FreeRTOS is now certified for the Security Evaluation Standard for IoT Platforms (SESIP™) Assurance Level 2. FreeRTOS is software that, in most cases, runs on embedded system processors. More than ever, developers are building FreeRTOS applications while participating in a growing community that has been working together for more than 18 years. Although the primary FreeRTOS software is a real-time operating system kernel, FreeRTOS provides foundational libraries such as FreeRTOS+TCP, which is a robust, secure, and ever improving TCP library. FreeRTOS also provides IoT application protocol libraries, like coreMQTT, that help developers confidently and securely connect to the cloud. FreeRTOS is an open source project and is continuously improving with community involvement so it can continue to be the best choice for developers building embedded systems and solutions.
Across all FreeRTOS projects, security is the top priority. FreeRTOS is already continuously improving coverage with memory safety proofs. Now FreeRTOS has demonstrated safety and security through the Security Evaluation Standard for IoT Platforms (SESIP™) certification. SESIP™ derives its fundamental tenets from the industry established Common Criteria framework. Common Criteria is an international standard (ISO/IEC 15408) for computer security certification. FreeRTOS has been rigorously scrutinized by a strong and understandably demanding community. SESIP™ certification demonstrates our commitment to security to all FreeRTOS application developers whether they actually need to demonstrate cybersecurity compliance themselves or not, while especially helping products achieve cybersecurity compliance more quickly for those that do need it. Customers can quickly identify SESIP™ certified applications that meet a strict set of criteria.
The SESIP™ Project for FreeRTOS, configured with the FreeRTOS 202012.00 LTS libraries, was used for the certification test and is maintained by FreeRTOS on GitHub. Some of the topics in this blog assumes knowledge about specific FreeRTOS kernel features or libraries. Feel free to engage the community through the FreeRTOS forums if there is any question about these specific features.
This blog lists the key areas in the FreeRTOS kernel and related FreeRTOS libraries that were evaluated by the certification process. The first section covers the certification test assumptions. The next three sections cover the major areas that were put to the test. The fifth section explains benefits to product developers looking to achieve SESIP™ certification.
About SESIP™ certification for the FreeRTOS kernel and related libraries
SESIP™ certification has five assurance levels ranging from zero to five. As the assurance levels increase so do the complexity and rigidity of the tests. GlobalPlatform™ governs the five SESIP™ Assurance Levels, while test partners execute tests. TrustCB™ provides certification for all five levels of SESIP™ certification. FreeRTOS tested at SESIP™ level 2, which includes a two-week long black box penetration test run. Riscure, a highly experienced security test lab, performed the independent tests required at SESIP™ Level 2. Then, TrustCB™ issued the certificate after verifying the test results. The certification tested for verification of platform identity and instance identity, firmware update over-the-air, secure communications, isolation capabilities, and cryptographic operations against the Target of Evaluation (TOE), or body of software under test, which is the FreeRTOS kernel and relevant IoT libraries.
Environmental assumptions
Some environmental assumptions had to be made in order to narrow test parameters when testing FreeRTOS for SESIP™ certification.
It is assumed that he platform shall only be deployed in environments where physical attacks are not required. The TOE must have a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) as part of the underlying hardware. Next, tests do not add any hostile code to the TOE. In practice, development teams need to be trusted and must implement development team rules that constrain FreeRTOS source code modification. The last assumption is that the Firmware Over-the-Air (FOTA) function uses AWS IoT OTA Update Manager. FOTA capabilities rely on centralized systems to deliver commands and firmware payloads. The centralized system is not under test. The device connected to the centralized system is under test.
With these assumptions in mind, let's take a look at the top three areas under test.
Identity verification
The specification states, "Users can only verify they have a secure product, if they can obtain the identifications of the product parts (application and Connected Platform)." The common mechanism to achieve identification is source code and configuration management. FreeRTOS maintains the FreeRTOS kernel and associated libraries on GitHub. Github an online system that uses the Git source control system. The source control system allows modification by authenticated and authorized users. The source control system tracks every atomic commit made to the system, resulting in a detailed repository commit history. Developers usually organize software components to individual repositories for ease of management and composability. Likewise, the FreeRTOS kernel and each library is a software component and has its own repository.
Although every file contributing to the software component has a version, the configuration manager applies a git source code repository tag to simplify what the contiguous set of sources at a specific time represents. FreeRTOS maintains a manifest file for every software component (represented by individual repositories) which describes the continuous set of FreeRTOS kernel and libraries. FreeRTOS considers the manifest as the identity verification artifact for both Long Term Support (LTS) and non-LTS releases. The FreeRTOS 202012.00 LTS release was used for the TOE.
The certification test evaluated the source code practice and found that implementers can verify software versions included in their products by the LTS manifest file. The application development team must operate under the environment condition that the implementer can be trusted and would not modify any SESIP™ certified FreeRTOS source code. Consider making the FreeRTOS source code immutable since modification of the source code invalidates the certification.
Identity verification for the connected platform relates to the runtime identification under device operation. Meaning, developers and operators can uniquely identify the runtime device through standard APIs or structures. In this test, the library responsible for delivering runtime identity APIs was coreMQTT. Specifically, the developer initializes the MQTTConnectInfo structure according to application requirements. When an IoT device connects to an MQTT broker, the client ID must be unique, which is a behavior defined by the MQTT v3.1.1 specification, section 3.1, third paragraph. The developer must implement a mechanism to uniquely initialize the structure member pClientIdentifier on a per device basis but the CoreMQTT library presents a consistent API to determine runtime identification.
System update
An Over-the-Air update makes it possible to update device firmware without an expensive recall or technician visit. The OTA method enables quick response to security vulnerabilities and software bugs that are discovered after the devices are deployed in field. Updates are verified to be sent from a trusted source, along with other validations like version checking and compatibility. The FreeRTOS over-the-air (OTA) client library enables the app developer to manage the notification of a newly available update, download the update, and perform cryptographic verification of the firmware update. We talked about how to verify the OTA model in a previous blog named Using Formal Methods to validate OTA Protocol.
A key aspect of OTA is a centralized service that provides the security and job management mechanisms on the server-side that OTA processing demands. Each centralized service may implement the capability differently. Earlier, this blog mentioned the environmental assumption that AWS, and more specifically the OTA Update Manager service, would be used as the centralized service. We used the AWS IoT Over-the-air Update Library when we implemented the device-side application for OTA, which integrates seamlessly with the OTA Update Manager service.
Software isolation
Software isolation helps protect against attackers modifying memory that could have negative impacts across all running Tasks at application runtime. Software isolation requires two parts: hardware and software. Software isolation for hardware requires a Memory Management Unit (MMU) or a Memory Protection Unit (MPU). For software, the FreeRTOS kernel must have a port for an architecture that has the hardware features and then implements capabilities to work with the MMU and MPU.
When undergoing certification, the FreeRTOS team used the LPC54018 IoT Module from NXP™ which meets the hardware requirement since it has an MPU. Meeting the requirements for software isolation was straightforward since the capability has been part of the FreeRTOS ports for Cortex™-M architectures for some time now. Isolation happens at the FreeRTOS task level so the implementer must be aware of two different APIs. For more information on this topic, see Gaurav Aggarwal's blog section relating to ARMv8-M features.
Additional benefits for those who desire SESIP™ certification
For application developers desiring certification for their own application, a powerful aspect of SESIP™ certification is the certification builds on the SESIP™ certifications already achieved by software and hardware dependencies. This is known as composition and can be a powerful tool when building a secure and trusted product. It can be especially important for IoT devices when applications become more complex due to the software and hardware stacks used to communicate across networks securely. Figure 1 shows the ideal case when an application goes under certification.

When the application undergoes SESIP™ certification, it is desirable that the developer's TOE focus is the code or hardware directly under the developer's control. When the developer chooses hardware and software that is not SESIP™ certified, then the test authority, for example Riscure, will need to test the entire hardware and software stack. As an example, Figure 2 demonstrates a cause for re-certification due to FreeRTOS kernel modification.

What to do next
Well, that was a whirlwind tour of what we did to get SESIP™ Level 2 certified! As next steps, I would encourage digging even deeper into the APIs that played a part in this certification. OTA offers fantastic capabilities to anyone deploying IoT devices at scale. Ensuring protection of our runtime code across memory is just as important. And don't forget, the manifest for both LTS and non-LTS describes the contiguous set of software that represents the FreeRTOS and libraries software identity. When desiring SESIP™ certification a new product to build on top of the SESIP™ for FreeRTOS, check out the requirements on the GlobalPlatform™ site. Then, start using FreeRTOS and its libraries based on the manifest file to rely on certification and its assurances throughout future development efforts.
Have good times and happy coding!